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At Moon Valley Films, we understand that finding the perfect location is the cornerstone of every great production. Our location scouting services are your gateway to uncovering the hidden treasures of Namibia’s stunning landscapes. With access to planes, helicopters, 4x4s, and boats, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to discover the ideal backdrop for your story. Explore the world of location scouting with us, where every frame is a work of art waiting to be captured.

1. Aerial Exploration: From the Sky to the Screen

At Moon Valley Films, we understand that finding the perfect location is the cornerstone of every great production. Our location scouting services are your gateway to uncovering the hidden treasures of Namibia’s stunning landscapes. With access to planes, helicopters, 4x4s, and boats, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to discover the ideal backdrop for your story. Explore the world of location scouting with us, where every frame is a work of art waiting to be captured. 

2. Off-Road Adventures: Access the Inaccessible

Sometimes, the most cinematic locations are off the beaten path. Our rugged 4x4s are equipped to traverse challenging terrains, ensuring that no location is too remote for your production. Explore deserts, mountains, and untouched wilderness with the confidence that comes from our off-road experience.

3. Comprehensive Location Data: Your Production Roadmap

Our location scouting goes beyond visuals. We provide comprehensive data on each location, including accessibility, permits required, local resources, and logistical details. You’ll have a production roadmap that ensures a smooth transition from scouting to shooting.

At Moon Valley Films, we know that the right location can transform a good story into a masterpiece. Our location scouting services combine the thrill of exploration with the precision of data-driven decision-making. Let us be your guides to the cinematic wonders of Namibia.

Contact us today to discuss your project’s location needs, and together, we’ll embark on a journey to discover the perfect setting for your story.

Your vision, our expertise, cinematic brilliance.

Turning Dreams into
Cinematic Realities


Schanzen Road, 

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+264 81 396 3536


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